Ok,ok, I get it. Obviously, God was playing with the power switches yesterday so that today I could write a much more entertaining article today about life here in The Ciudad. So much funny stuff, so little time...
Ok, item number one: taxi drivers as tour guides. Today I took a taxi to work (which costs a whopping 1,300 colones, or $3. Quite the bargain!). After nine months of communiting on a switchback-rich mountain road, I have finally overcome all residual carsickness, and can now read on my way up and back. So, I was reading my new book, "The Poisonwood Bible" a gift from a friend far away, when suddenly, the taxi came to a screeching halt. This initially paniced me (I had a nasty nightmare last night about getting robbed) and disturbing pictures flew through my brain as I tried to figure out what was going on. My taxi driver was, at that point, hanging out his side window and looking behind the stopped car. He started saying something in Spanish, which I understood to mean that some cool, unusual critter had just caught his eye in the trees overhead. Impressive translation, given that all I understood was "cruz de calle" (which I think means either "at the cross in the road", or "crossed the road") and I think "mona pequeno" (small monkey). This was the second time this has happened to me. Both times I never saw the animal that caused the driver to stop short and look for it.
Aw crap, posted before I was done...
So, Batman and terror! Inextricably linked in my mind. You may be thinking I'm talking about Batman the superhero and teror, the "war" we're "fighting" in the US. Nope. I'm talking about
Batman, Turkey and Terror! the airfreshener.
So, two days ago, I came home to an overpowering scent eminating from my bedroom. Not a surprise, because 1) my bedroom window opens into the laundry room where the dog sleeps and 2) what Costa Ricans think is an appropriate scent for "air freshener" or "cleaning product" we in the US classify as "death by asphyxiation".
This particular smell, at Costa Rican strength, was what I like to call eau de Tidy Bowl. When I opened my closet, it was incredibly intense, and I found the broken remnant of something solid and aquafresh green that smelled like...eau de tidy bowl (so I did the rational thing and threw it away in the kitchen). The next morning, the smell persisted and I later dicovered an entirely intact air freshener hanging on the top right corner of my mirror. The air "fresheners" in question look suspiciously like the air "frehener" they sell in the Buen Precio Market in Ciudad Colon. These "fresheners" have calm, pink, wild flower graphics like Glade, but instead of the word Glade!, the brand name is Terror! Don't ask me what Terror! means in Spanish, babelfish refuses to translate it (must be really archaic, because babelfish can translate the very helpful word "hovercraft". Go figure). But from my most recent run-in with Terror! I can only surmise that our cleaning lady thinks I'm smelly. I don't think I'm smelly, but then I don't take 17 showers a day like my host parents (they work from home, and so have easy acceess to showers. I work in the jungle where the lights go off and the taxis break for monkeys).
Now, one of the great joys in living abroad is the silly names they give their products. Often the names mean something simple in the domestic language, but are frigging hilarious in English. Like Terror! and the gooey white bread they sell here called (and I am not making this up)
Bimbo. In Germany, our favorite product by far were
Super Dickmanns . Anyway, I'm pretty sure that the strong smell of Terror! caused some sort of wierd psycho-pharmacological reaction which induced me to have a nightmare last night about being duped into renting an apartment and then being violently robbed in that apartment by big white men with guns. Grr..I hate nightmares.
So, after waking up this morning, I realized that the irony of the dream is that I'd been corresponding over e-mail with a guy named Rob about an apartment in Boston. DUM-DA-DA-DUM. This convinced me that I need to find time this month or next to go up to boston and see the apartments for myself, and meet the prospective roommates eye-to-eye. Which led me to look on Travelocity for the cheapest fare to boston. Nothing I consider "cheapest" is an option for boston, so I started to wonder if it might be cheaper to fly to Baltimore and take the shuttle to boston. So I typed in SJO and BAL as my search terms for flights and BLAM! I got an error mesage saying:
THERE ARE NO FLIGHTS AVAILABLE BETWEEN YOUR SELECTED DESTINATIONS OF SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA AND BATMAN, TURKEY.Whoa! 1.) there's a real place in the world called "Batman"? and 2) I wanted baltimore, not batman, moron. Then I realized I'd used the wrong airport code (BAL instead of BWI--guess I'm the moron). Seriously, when I Googled Batman, Turkey, I found out it is a REAL PLACE, which REAL PEOPLE (probably mostly Turkeys...or Turkians or Turkites...what do you call someone from Turkey anyway?) take
SERIOUSLY. So, now, naturally I want to go there instead of Boston. I've already picked out my
hotel. The Batman Bozoogullari Hotel. And I DEFINITELY need to get a
Batman Rent-a-car. Seriously, I think I may have to name my first child Bozoogullari. If I can ever figure out how to pronounce it...