Updated: The Ciudad Misery Index
okay, so it's only been three days...but heck, it's my blog and I can post an update to the index if I want to! Just by way of commentary, you'll notice drammatic increases in some categories, and significant decreases in others. Enjoy the misery.
1. Number of robberies this week of people I know in CR: 0
2. Number of people I know who were imprisoned in CR this week: 2
3. Number of times I was nearly killed in a car crash: 2
4. Number of earhquakes today: 2 (short, small tremmors)
5. Number of mosquitoes killed while sitting at my desk this week: about 10.
6. Number of times the power went out today: 0
7. Number of times the water went out: 0
10. Number of times I ate rice and/or beans yesterday: 3 (at every meal, baby!)
I had a dream last night that I was bitten by a scorpion. I wasn't, thank goodness, 'cause I hear it hurts a lot. Apparently the ones here aren't deadly, though, so I've got that going for me. I'm a bit scared on this front becaue I was just thinking yesterday that the only bad thing that happens alot in Costa Rica that hadn't happened in the past two months was an earthquake. And we got two strong but short ones today (I'll never get used to floor and walls of my office shaking). I'm aftraid the scorpion thing may be a preminition as well. Hopefully not.
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