Graduation was beutiful. I was incredibly inspired. One student from each programme was asked to present a speech. One of the selected speakers was one of the students who was imprisoned this past week. His words gave me hope. To paraphrase, he said that when presented with the worst the world has to offer, we can become cynical and dency the good in the world or we can become cynics with hope. This alleviated some of the ongoing discussion in my mind and heart. Because coming out of this experience, it would be shameful to ignore the wrong that happened, to be polyannic and say everything was glorious, but similarly it would be shameful to ignore the beauty, the friendships and the wonder that this experience has brought with it.
Maybe cynicism isn't even the word for it. A good friend of mine used to say he would fogive, but wouldn't forget. And I've been the beneficiary of that forgiveness. The reason for not forgetting isn't to constantly remind people of their faults, it's to acknowledge that life isn't always perfect, and to learn from your mistakes and experiences.
So, what have I learned down here? I have learned that life is precious and fleeting and must be protected and preserved at all costs. I've learned that the human spirit has great capacities that often exceed our expectations. I've learned that violence and fear are not the final words. That like the paschal mystery, after a death there is a rising. I've learned that grace doesn't crawl in on it's knees, it comes dancing through at the most surprising of times. And love is the most important thing of all.
PS_ the sun came out at the beginning of the ceremony and stayed with us till the end of the celebration.
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