Friday, July 15, 2005

The A-Team

Where is the A-Team when you need them? 'Cause I need them.

Yesterday, over dinner, my host mom let slip that one of her students advised her this week to be extremely careful (a familiar refrain, I know). Apparently there is a group of Colombian men who have moved in down the street. According to the woman, the group robbed a car last week in the city center, the Ciudad cops know it was these guys who did it, but refuse to arrest them because they are known to kill people. Host Mom was warned not to take my youngest host brother into town to play soccer anymore (it's dangerous). As an added bonus, these "gentlemen" have apparently been asking around about our family and the houses on the property we live on.

Now, I figure there are two possibilities here: one, colombian drug thugs have moved into our neighborhood, are casing our house, and we'll need an A-Team-like presence to put their violently oppressive selves behind bars (remember those episodes when the A-Team would be summoned to some far flung town to rescue the beautiful daughter and her hapless dad from the local extortionist and oppressive thug? Yeah, well, now that's me.) or two, the Ciudad is suffering from the Chinese Professor syndrome (chronicled in The Tipping Point). The CPS, is based on the story of a China-born professor who traveled to a small US town on vacation during the early 1940s. As anyone on vacation does, he walked around town, snapped some pictures, and didn't really talk too much to the locals. However, because the real story didn't make sense to the local people, the rumor quickly spread through town that the professor was a Japanese spy sent to gather intellegence on their town to prepare for an attack. In other words, it could be that a group of 30-40 something, good-looking, single, and wealthy Colombians turned up in the Ciudad and the town just assumed they are nefarious drug lords (I believe this could also be a good A-Team episode).

At any rate, it all boils down to the fact that I need the A-Team here to sort things out. I would definitely be able to go out at night again with BA Baracus escorting me. Hannibal's cigar smoke would be comforting, and much better smelling than Puppy. I would pay to see the Tico reaction to Murdock's nutty ways. And, of course, a date with Face would be just the thing to take the edge off...

Ah, A-team, where are you now?


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